All 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade students, whether in public, Catholic or Parochial school, are asked to register for Confirmation if they wish to make their Confirmation . Registration must include the candidates updated baptismal certificate if they were not baptized at St Mary Church. If you are not a registered parishioner of St. Mary Parish you will need a letter of consent from your home parish.
Registration is $60.00 per canditate and includes the Confirmation robe.
The Confirmation program consists of 11 special sessions that take place between August to January on Sunday evenings from 6 PM to 7:15 PM in Founders Hall. Since our schedule is very condensed, our expectations are that you would make this a top priority in your schedule.Only one absence will be allowed for the entire program.
Candidate Requirements: All candidates are required to attend all sessions, daily personal prayer documented, two and a half hours of prayer before the tabernacle, supplemental reading with journaling provided by the Confirmation coordinator, a half day retreat, and confession. All candidates are interviewed at least once before their Confirmation to determine willingness and readiness to make Confirmation.
Sponsor Requirements: Sponsors are expected to attend the Orientation held at the beginning and the Retreat that is held at the end. Sponsors must be suitable for this role and have the intention of fulfilling it.
A minimum of 16 year olds Confirmed practicing Catholic Not a parent of the confirmand Attending Mass a on regular basis If married, must be in a valid marriage recognized by the church